#Openteach Book Launch: An Open Book for Educators

We invite you to join us at the launch event for the #Openteach: Professional Development for Open Online Educators open online book by Orna Farrell, James Brunton, Caitriona Ni She, and Eamon Costello. 

About the book

In this book we aim to share the knowledge, resources and research generated by the #Openteach project, which aimed to create an evidence-based and open professional learning approach to support educators to teach online.

Teaching online is different, in this book we explore this difference with the aim of supporting educators to develop their online teaching practice and knowledge of online pedagogy.

The book combines the theory and practice of teaching online and contains examples and ideas, drawn from the voices of online educators and online students. We consider key themes in online pedagogy such as presence, interaction, supporting online students, and synchronous and asynchronous engagement. 

Why an open book?

#Openteach: Professional Development for Open Online Educators is an open online book published on the Pressbooks platform. The book is further evidence of our commitment to open access publishing through a Creative Commons License (CCL). The principle of openness was at the heart of the #Openteach project. All of the resources and intellectual outputs were CCL and openly shared through social media and the project website. The #Openteach online course was freely available and participation was open to anyone, from anywhere, with the capability to join an online course. 

Read the book

You can access the book online here: https://oer.pressbooks.pub/openteach/

Come to our book launch

Date: Tuesday, 29th June 2021

Time: 10:00 am (Irish time)

To register: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/openteach-book-launch-tickets-160191644521

For more information, contact Dr Orna Farrell orna.farrell@dcu.ie

Reflections on #Openteach: A Blog Series…

By Orna Farrell 

Over the next few weeks, the NIDL team involved in the #Openteach project funded by the National Forum will be publishing a series of blog posts reflecting on facilitating and participating in the first run of their free online course offered in March 2020. This blog series will be written by the course facilitators and participants and you can read the full series on the #Openteach website.

My highlights

pasted image 0.pngAs the project is nearly finished, I thought I would share and reflect on my highlights of working on the #Openteach project over the past year. One of the major milestones was the publication and launch of our literature review of online teaching and approaches to professional development for part-time online educators. This report called Teaching online is different: Critical perspectives from the literature was launched at the World Conference on Online Learning in November 2019. The report was so well received at the conference, printed copies became a precious commodity and the Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor mentioned it in her speech.

Go Team!

pasted image 0-1.pngAnother highlight for me has been working with the amazing #Openteach project team. It’s rare to find a group of people that are easy and fun to work with while being productive and really effective! During the two weeks facilitating the #openteach course, although we were very busy facilitating such a large cohort, we had a lot of craic!

Course design is fun

I really enjoyed collaboratively designing the #Openteach course. Starting with the interactive ABC learning design workshop.

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Then acting on that design plan and making it a reality. The idea for a scenario based approach really resonated with me and was realised in three online educator dilemmas in the course. Getting the scenarios right took a lot of work, there was about five drafts of the first scenario Eimears dilemma as we got to grips with using Videoscribe.

450 participants….eekk!

The first run of the course oddly coincided with the Corona virus pandemic. So we went from having about 150 participants to 450 in the space of a few days, as educators were thrust into online teaching at short notice and really needed some support. Despite the big numbers, the vibe from participants and facilitators seems positive.

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I really enjoyed the strong interaction by participants and the intensity of engagement, although we haven’t finished the evaluation yet! The two live sessions were really fun and interactive.

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Concluding thoughts

It feels very strange to be nearly finished the #Openteach project, it has been exciting, interesting and a very satisfying experience and I hope we have supported people to develop their understanding of teaching online.